
Back to School

Well, that hit me like a ton of bricks.

After an outrageous week and a half in Boston and New York, I'm struggling hard to get back into the school mentality. Homework? What does that even mean...

But alas, it's that time again to add school back into the balance and let's be honest, it could be a hell of a lot worse. This time around I'm in the final homestretch. One last year to truly narrow in on what I want to do with my life and soak up all of the knowledge I can before I'm released into the real world. 

My time at the RedEye showed me how much my field is evolving and how important it will be for me to have more video experience--both on and off screen. IFBCON also taught a Video Blogging 101 seminar that got me really excited to start incorporating more digital elements in both my academic and personal writing pieces. 

I've got a lot to learn and a long way to go, but that's what this final year is for. 

Cheers to my last first day of school ever!

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