
Marathon Training: Sprained Ankle

Going into training, I was constantly worried about how my knee would hold up through the recurring pain I still experience from time to time as the result of a torn meniscus tendon my junior year of high school.

Turns out my knee hasn't been the problem area! 

Instead I've hurt my left ankle twice in the span of a month and I'm pretty sure my most recent spill has resulted in a nice fat, swollen sprain. It feels a lot better than it did on Wednesday after it happened--I could barely walk on my own and any sort of touch or pressure would bring on a new fit of tears--but it's still not quite ready to run on.

{My poor, fat ankle!}

Daisy had the exact same thing happen just before the London Marathon, even closer to race day than me, and still managed to carry on just fine so I'm optimistic and to be completely honest, a bit relieved that I don't have to spend my entire vacation running! Although I saw some amazing trails in Boston that I would have loved to get out on. 

{Carson Beach Trail via Boston Harborwalk}

Down to almost a month away now! I'm going to try my best to heal this sprain while I'm in New York and hopefully get out on it once or twice, but the goal is to be strong and ready to bust out a solid month when I get back to the Chi. 

Here's to healing! 

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